Time passes by so quickly and the years roll on by. Here we are in Spring again, the trees are budding, the Daffodils are out, the Snowdrops and Crocus have
all been and gone already, The sun makes a fabulous difference to our surroundings and encouragess us to get out there and enjoy the colours and the smells
of nature as it kicks off again for another year? Here are a few images I captured yesterday, the 18th March, it was chilly in the breeze but the sun made
up for the chilling coolness.
Crooke in snow as well as other things, January 2025.
January has been a very active month, weatherwise. We have had floods, brilliant sun shine, snow,
high winds and some distruction by falling trees. Thanks to Charlie and Morag, I have some of the
images taken to show what has been happening! Let's hope Febuary will be a better month?
On the 1st of January, Wigan and Crooke were subject to flooding. For Crooke, it seems to be a
recurring phenomenon which seems to be happening a little more often that it used to? Something
to do with climate change maybe? Our local councellors are aware of it but as much as the problem
is discussed, no practical solution has yet been settled upon. Here are the images captured. The
first 6 were taken in Crooke and the other three heading into Wigan.
On the 10th of January, we saw snow. We have not seen a great deal of snow for a while so it was
our turn to get some, not a lot, but enough to show.
On the 15th, some repairs were carried out, some pot holes in the road filles and the fence post
at the bottom of the green where the bridge is over Mill Dam stream was finally replaced.
On the 16th, the weather changed and we were drenched in glorgious sun shine, so I took a few to
capture the beauty.
On the 24th, we had high winds and a tree was brought down over the road into Crooke and a fence was damaged.
Let us hope the weather improves now and may the daylight be longer each day. Spring is in the air
and the bulbs are beginning to sprout. It will not be long before the first spring blooms will be on
display. It's a look forward to better days.
Crooke in snow, January 2024.
It has been a while since I have posted here but it has also been a few years since we have seen any snow in Crooke at all! I was on my way to capture the
fresh snow that had fallen on Monday morning on the 17th Jan but my walk was interupted twice so I was unable to get down. It was about 4 hours later when
I did manage to be in the village. By then, there had been a thaw and the snow had been well trodden by then but I did capture some images for your pleasure.
I posted the same on friends of Crooke Facebook page. Not quite christmas card snaps but winter is not quite over yet, so we will have to wait and see what
happens next? In the mean time, here are the images I captured.
A walk long the canal on the 18th October 2022
It was a beautiful day on the Tuesday the 18th of october and as I had my phone with me, I took some pictures capturing the glorious sunshine and the change
in colours of the trees. The pictures that I took were vibrant and dazzling, but I have found they have lost some of that vibrance in the transfer but I still
thought them worth sharing anyway.
Late April 2022.
Here are a few more images of late April in and around Crooke for your delight.
March 2022.
Here are a few more of the early flowers that adorn our land.
February 2022.
Once again, we are on the opening edge os spring. The Snowdrops are out as are the Crocus and several others, so I have captured a few sceens for your
pleasure and i hope delight. May it become more pleasant soon?
July 2021.
2021 is half way through already and blooms have come and gone but there are still prenty in bloom now as well so I though I would share a few blooms on the
villge site here as I have on the Friends Of Crooke Village Facebook page. These pictures are different from thos already posted. It just shows how lovely
the village is and can be when the flower come out. All the pictures were taken in the village and some were taken while Christine and Derek were here. We
sometimes don't stop to take a look when we are passing, we're nearly always in a rush with other thoings on our minds so it's nice, just to stop for a moment,
take s breath and just have a look at what is around us. Enjoy the colours.
November 2020.
Wow! A year has passed so quickly! There were a couple of errors on this page in the last posting but I have fixed that now. 2020 has been a very unusual
year. We have been stopped in our tracks thanks to Covid-19 which has meant we have all been locked down with the aim of preventing this virus from spreading.
After 8 months, we are not much better off but we do at least have some freedom. We can get out and enjoy our surroundings. The pictures I have posted in
this post are similar to those from last year. This year has been a challenge because there has not been as much sun and unless the sun is shining, it is
difficult to share the lovely colours that nature produces, however, I have managed to capture a few, similar to my previous post, but it is a reminder
that I am still looking for the lovely scenes to share. So here are a few I managed to capture.
November 2019.
I went out walking yesterday and although it was cold, it was beautiful. The canal at this time of year is a wonderful fusion of colours and thought it would
be lovely to share them on our site. I took a few in Crooke as well but the main feature here is the canal.
May 2019.
Crooke always look lovely when the sun shines and this month, I have a little extra. For a few years now, Crooke has had an allotment and thanks to Mike Smith,
He took on the mantle of bringing it back to life. He drew plans and bought trees and some plants and started to prepare it. With the help of Mike, the ground
was cleared but before his plans could be fully implimented, he found love and moved away. Since then, other members have jumped in and continued the good work.
So I have included a couple of shots to show the improvement. the first as it was and the last two were taken recently to show the difference. Well done to all
those involved.
March 2019.
The one thing this country seem to lack the most is lovely weather so when the sun shines, everything in the garden look lovely. I'm sorry if the pictures I take
seem repetitive but because we have such a small village, it is so difficult to find something new to take a picture of but I do not apologise for the beauty in
what we have and when the sun shines, it seems to make all that dullness fade away. These were taken on the day after the flood warning was at its height.
December 2018.
It's nearly Christmas already! this year has flown by. I hope you have sent Santa your letters? It was quite nice a few days ago with a winter sun which I
mangaed to catch, casting its low rays of light into the trees along the canal. Not all the trees have shed their leaves yet so they look quite stunning if
you stand in the right place. And the Christmas Tree is in situe, all lit up, even if it is daylight when I saw it. The air was quite still as you can see
from the smoke from the barges as it hung in the air like a table. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope you have a
great New Year. Do you think we will get any snow this time? Enjoy the season.
October 2018.
Wow, where has the year gone! time has flown and here we are in October, the dawn of Autumn. The trees are changing colour and the weather has become more
changable, the tempreture outside has dropped and it is decidedly more chilly, winter is definately on the way. Evenn though it is cooler, there are days
when the sun shines through and shows off the lovely Autumn colours so here are few I captured the other day. Maybe I will capture some more before all the
leaves drop, but for now, here are a few. I regret my mobile doesn't do these justice but I cannot turn bck time to take them again, sorry.
Late April 2018.
We have a very late spring this year because of all the cold and wet weather we have had, so the Daffs are still out and in bloom. They are coming to the end
now but they still put on a good display. The allotment too is showing signs of improvement thanks to Mike for his good work. I'm sure it will improve further
as time goes by.
March 2018.
Winter has finally gone and Spring, though a little late, if finally here even though we are now almost at the end of March. Over the last couple of weeks, I
have captured the blooms growing and thought to share a few with you. I am sure there are better displays around but these are the blooms I shot.
December, 2017! Here are a few more of the same shots without the leaves on the trees?
While out walking along the canal with the aim of taking some winter scenes of the trees without leaves in the sunshine, I could see two Swans ahead of me with
one of them looking like it was in some difficulty! It was not floating on the water because it semed to be tangled up in something and did not seem to be able
to free itself. As I drew nearer, it became obvious what it was doing and thought I would share the experience with you on here! I have never seen this before
and maybe you have not either so this is what the camera saw!
Mid November, 2017! Where has the year gone?
Where has this year gone, time and the days seem to fly by. I have managed to catch a few pictures of the change in autumn colours so here they are
Mid September, 2017! Where has the year gone?
It is frightening to think that time passes so quickly. It could be your birthday then all of a sudden, it's Christmas! I know some of these pictures can
seem a lot samey but we only have a small village and the lower end is more picturesque. And the sun is not always shining as we would like it to so one has
to catch it when one can. I have at least caught some fishermen doing their stuff and I must admit, the village does look lovely when it is doused by
sunshine? Another week or so and we will be having our AGM and it only seems like a couple of weeks ago since we had our last AGM, but that was last year!!
Anyway, here are a few more of our lovely village. I have been working for the last couple of weeks and have not really had time to take something a little
more exciting but you never know what is around the corner, so for now, here is Crooke in the sun plus a few others.
Here are some of Dereks' pictures for your delight.
A few pictures taken in late June 2017.
This year seems to have flown faster than ever. The grass has been cut several times already and the weather has been belting, a little too hot really but I
souldn't complain because we don't get this good weather all the time. However, this summer has faired better that last year because we had it good in the
beginning and then to was not so good whereas this years summer is lasting longer and long may it continue. We are continuing to maintain our surroundings
in the village and hopefully, we may be somewhere ready by the beginning of August. In the mean time, here are some of the scenes my camra has caught over the
last few days.
A few pictures taken in Mid May 2017.
Spring is now over and the ducks are training their young. The trees are all green again and their blossom is full. Everything is growing but we have been
a little short on rain just now. I hope this will not be all of our summer in these weeks.
Keeping an eye on the future, the Hymalian Balsom which is growing in Lawn's Wood, is not yet ready for pulling but will be in a month or so and when the new
wood chippings are delivered, they too will need spreading on the footpath but where the Balsom has been pulled in the past, it has not grown again but that
will be a job for later. Maybe when it is all killed off, perhaps we'll be able to see the Blue Bells when they grow again?
A few pictures of Crooke taken in Mid March 2017.
We have a lovely village that looks beautiful in the sunshine and when the flowers are in bloom. The Daffs are now all out as well as the Crocus and in
another week, the clocks go forward so don't forget to alter your clocks. So here are a few more blooms and village pictures.
A few pictures of Crooke taken in late February 2017.
Well, we have had another mild winter. It may have been wet and it has certainly been cold from time to time but in the main, it has been a gentle winter.
I think the threat of snow for this year has passed us by but that may happen yet, we'll have to wait and see? For now, the Snow Drops are out, the Tulips
are up, some pansies are in flower and the Daffodils are about to bloom. The day I took these pictures, began very wet and I did not expect the afternoon to
be so plesant, so here is another selection of pictures of our lovely village being warmed by the winter sunshine. I have left previous shot on for your
A few pictures of Crooke on the 5th of November 2016.
Autumn seems to have come later this month. The leaves began to fall a week or so after I took the previous shots and until the 5th, the weather has not been
very pleasant. However, of Bone Fire Day, the sun came out so I took my camera to catch some of the Autumn colours so here are a few for you to see.
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